Friday, October 28, 2011

7 Things I'm True Lovin' Right Now...

Tights wit yo kicks

No not just leggings... that's been done before.  The other day I came across a photo of black cowboy boots with fishnets.  It looked suprisingly not-trashy and I really liked it.  I like it because its fresh and hasn't been worn out yet.  Let's see if this fad sticks???


The Vignette photo app on my droid... the top is the original photo and the bottom is the photo after I manipulated it with the app.  It has the capability to make photos looks like old yearbook photos, to change and enhance colors and to make them a square shape with a border.  I have been playing with my pictures and its super fun!!! 


90 Proof by Panhandle Slim.  I have always loved button up shirts on a working cowgirl.  The sexiest I have ever felt is in one of these on the back of a horse:)  Panhandle Slim makes some awesome shirts.  My boyfriend just got me a Wrangler shirt from Teskeys that is plaid with a turqoise yoke.  Plaid is hot right now and I can't wait to wear it roping this winter in AZ!!

Giddy Up Flix-  I just joined and am OBSESSED.  It is like a netflix for horsetraining.  You pay ten dollars a month and can rent out any of their hundreds of instructional videos.  So far I have watched Judy and Rachel Myllymaki's and Martha Josey's Barrel Racing Videos.  When you're done you just send it back in the mailer and they'll send you the next one on your list.  Ten dollars a month is a cheap investment for long term knowledge.


GYPSY SOULE has some rockin accessories.  I love this necklace! 


Cowboy Junkie Handpainted Tack.  This gal has so many creative ideas and makes beautiful tacksets.  I've never seen a breast collar like this.  Check out all of her gear on Facebook!!!


6 weeks doing the workouts in this book and you won't recognize the body in the mirror.  After 14 days of a particular routine your body reaches homeostasis, which means your muscles and figure no longer improve.  This book changes up the routine and ensures kick ass results.  It's like having your own personal trainer and includes meal plans and recommended cardio.  I stayed consistent on this for about two months a few years ago and felt like I had a brand new body.  

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